society6 Fay Moose Art

16 February 2011

Magic changes , can be done with any picture :)

14 February 2011


I found old camera and the was some pictures. I thought it was funny I always see faces or characters everywhere I go, and sometimes I'm trying to catch them on camera Smile

That was just a garbage that made me smile, hopr it will make you too stretch out your face Smile Do you have something similar? Feel free to share Smile

13 February 2011

MC love :)

Had a blast at Market Collective yesterday, tons of positive emotions and feedbacks Smile Got couple of orders so cant wait to start on them, but it is later Smile


It was so nice watching people as soon as they see my booth they smile, witch makes me smile, and ill tell ya if I can live of smiles i would be billionaire Smile 

Well want to thank everybody for my super positive day.

Todays deals:

5x5 paintings 1/$20 or 3/$50

Baby clothes $20

Paper Mache monsters Small – $25, Medium – $45, Large – $90